"use strict";
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
// myMPD (c) 2018-2025 Juergen Mang <mail@jcgames.de>
// https://github.com/jcorporation/mympd
/** @module contextMenu_js */
* Shows a context menu as popover or offcanvas
* @param {Event} event triggering event
* @returns {void}
function showContextMenu(event) {
//get the correct dom node with data for the triggering event
let target = event.target.nodeName === 'SPAN'
? event.target.parentNode
: event.target;
if (target.nodeName === 'SMALL') {
target = target.parentNode;
if (target.nodeName === 'TD') {
target = target.closest('tr');
else if (target.parentNode.classList.contains('card')) {
target = target.parentNode;
else if (target.parentNode.parentNode.classList.contains('card')) {
target = target.parentNode.parentNode;
else if (target.parentNode.classList.contains('list-group-item')) {
target = target.parentNode;
else if (target.parentNode.parentNode.classList.contains('list-group-item')) {
target = target.parentNode.parentNode;
else if (target.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.classList.contains('list-group-item')) {
target = target.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
const contextMenuType = target.getAttribute('data-contextmenu');
logDebug('Create new context menu of type ' + contextMenuType);
switch (contextMenuType) {
case 'NavbarPlayback':
case 'NavbarQueue':
case 'NavbarBrowse':
//use popover style context menu
showPopover(target, contextMenuType);
//all other context menus are displayed in an offcanvas
showContextMenuOffcanvas(target, contextMenuType);
* Functions to add the menu items
* Creates the column check list for views
* @param {EventTarget} target event target
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuTitle title element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu item
* @returns {void}
function createMenuViewSettings(target, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody) {
if (app.id !== 'Playback' &&
app.id !== 'BrowseDatabaseAlbumDetail')
elCreateNodes('div', {'class': ['row']}, [
elCreateTextTn('label', {'class': ['col-4','col-form-label']}, 'Mode'),
elCreateNode('div', {'class': ['col-8']},
elCreateNodes('div', {'class': ['btn-group', 'w-100'], "id": "viewSettingsMode"}, [
elCreateTextTn('button', {"class": ["btn", "btn-secondary"], 'data-value': 'table'}, 'Table'),
elCreateTextTn('button', {"class": ["btn", "btn-secondary"], 'data-value': 'grid'}, 'Grid'),
elCreateTextTn('button', {"class": ["btn", "btn-secondary"], 'data-value': 'list'}, 'List')
toggleBtnGroupValueId('viewSettingsMode', settings['view' + app.id].mode);
for (const btn of elGetById('viewSettingsMode').childNodes) {
btn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
}, false);
elCreateEmpty('div', {"class": ["dropdown-divider2", "mb-3"]})
if (app.id === 'BrowseDatabaseAlbumDetail') {
createMenuColumnsAppid(target, 'BrowseDatabaseAlbumDetailInfo', contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody);
elCreateEmpty('div', {"class": ["dropdown-divider2"]})
const contextMenuSubtitle = elCreateTextTn('h4', {"class": ["offcanvas-title", "mt-4", "mb-2"]}, 'Song list');
createMenuColumnsAppid(target, app.id, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody);
* Creates the column check list for views
* @param {EventTarget} target event target
* @param {string} appid application id
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuTitle title element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu item
* @returns {void}
function createMenuColumnsAppid(target, appid, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody) {
const menu = elCreateEmpty('form', {});
menu.setAttribute('id', appid + 'FieldsSelect');
setViewOptions(appid, menu);
const applyEl = elCreateTextTn('button', {"class": ["btn", "btn-success", "w-100", "mt-2"]}, 'Apply');
applyEl.addEventListener('click', function(eventClick) {
}, false);
* Adds a divider to the context menu
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the divider
* @returns {void}
function addDivider(contextMenuBody) {
if (contextMenuBody.lastChild &&
contextMenuBody.lastChild.nodeName === 'A')
elCreateEmpty('div', {"class": ["dropdown-divider"]})
* Adds a menu item to the context menu
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu item
* @param {object} cmd the command
* @param {string} text menu text, will be translated
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, cmd, text) {
const a = elCreateTextTn('a', {"class": ["dropdown-item"], "href": "#"}, text);
setData(a, 'href', cmd);
* Callback function to create the navbar context menu body
* @param {EventTarget} target triggering element
* @param {HTMLElement} popoverBody element to append the menu items
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsNavbarActions(target, popoverBody) {
const type = target.getAttribute('data-contextmenu');
switch(type) {
case 'NavbarPlayback':
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "openModal", "options": ["modalPlayback"]}, 'Playback settings');
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "appGoto", "options": ["Playback", undefined, undefined]}, 'Show playback');
case 'NavbarQueue':
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "sendAPI", "options": [{"cmd": "MYMPD_API_QUEUE_CLEAR"}]}, 'Clear');
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "sendAPI", "options": [{"cmd": "MYMPD_API_QUEUE_CROP"}]}, 'Crop');
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "sendAPI", "options": [{"cmd": "MYMPD_API_QUEUE_SHUFFLE"}]}, 'Shuffle');
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "appGoto", "options": ["Queue", "Current", undefined]}, 'Show queue');
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "appGoto", "options": ["Queue", "LastPlayed", undefined]}, 'Show last played');
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "gotoJukebox", "options": []}, 'Show jukebox queue');
case 'NavbarBrowse':
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "updateDB", "options": ["", false]}, 'Update database');
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "updateDB", "options": ["", true]}, 'Rescan database');
if (features.featTags === true) {
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "appGoto", "options": ["Browse", "Database", undefined]}, 'Show browse database');
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "appGoto", "options": ["Browse", "Filesystem", undefined]}, 'Show browse filesystem');
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "appGoto", "options": ["Browse", "Playlist", undefined]}, 'Show browse playlists');
addMenuItem(popoverBody, {"cmd": "appGoto", "options": ["Browse", "Radio", undefined]}, 'Show browse webradio');
logError('Invalid type: ' + type);
* Callback function to create the disc context menu body
* @param {EventTarget} target triggering element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuTitle element to set the menu header
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu items
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsAlbumTagActions(target, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody) {
const dataNode = target.parentNode.parentNode;
const type = getData(dataNode, 'type');
const value = getData(dataNode, ucFirst(type));
const albumId = getData(dataNode, 'AlbumId');
const albumName = getData(dataNode, 'name');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendQueue", "options": [type, [albumId, value]]}, 'Append to queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendPlayQueue", "options": [type, [albumId, value]]}, 'Append to queue and play');
if (features.featWhence === true &&
currentState.currentSongId !== -1)
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "insertAfterCurrentQueue", "options": [type, [albumId, value]]}, 'Insert after current playing song');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replaceQueue", "options": [type, [albumId, value]]}, 'Replace queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replacePlayQueue", "options": [type, [albumId, value]]}, 'Replace queue and play');
if (features.featPlaylists === true) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showAddToPlaylist", "options": [type, [albumId, value], [albumName]]}, 'Add to playlist');
* Appends single actions for the queue actions context menu
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu items
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsSingleActions(contextMenuBody) {
if (settings.partition.single === '0') {
if (settings.partition.repeat === true &&
settings.partition.consume === '0')
//repeat one song can only work with consume disabled
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "clickSingle", "options": ["oneshot"]}, 'Repeat current song once');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "clickSingle", "options": ["1"]}, 'Repeat current song');
else if (settings.partition.repeat === true &&
settings.partition.autoPlay === false)
//single one-shot works only with disabled auto play
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "clickSingle", "options": ["oneshot"]}, 'Stop playback after current song');
else {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "clickSingle", "options": ["0"]}, 'Disable single mode');
* Appends consume actions for the queue actions context menu
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu items
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsConsumeActions(contextMenuBody) {
if (settings.partition.consume === '0') {
if (features.featConsumeOneshot === true) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "clickConsume", "options": ["oneshot"]}, 'Remove current song after playback');
else {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "clickConsume", "options": ["0"]}, 'Disable consume mode');
* Appends album actions to the context menu
* @param {HTMLElement | EventTarget} dataNode element with the album data
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuTitle element to set the menu header
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu items
* @param {string} [albumId] the album id
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsAlbumActions(dataNode, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody, albumId) {
const albumName = [];
if (dataNode !== null) {
if (albumId === undefined) {
albumId = getData(dataNode, 'AlbumId');
const name = getData(dataNode, 'name');
if (name !== null) {
if (contextMenuTitle !== null) {
contextMenuTitle.textContent = tn('Album');
if (app.id !== 'QueueCurrent') {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendQueue", "options": ["album", [albumId]]}, 'Append to queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendPlayQueue", "options": ["album", [albumId]]}, 'Append to queue and play');
if (features.featWhence === true &&
currentState.currentSongId !== -1)
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "insertAfterCurrentQueue", "options": ["album", [albumId]]}, 'Insert after current playing song');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replaceQueue", "options": ["album", [albumId]]}, 'Replace queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replacePlayQueue", "options": ["album", [albumId]]}, 'Replace queue and play');
if (features.featPlaylists === true) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showAddToPlaylist", "options": ["album", [albumId], albumName]}, 'Add to playlist');
if (app.id !== 'BrowseDatabaseAlbumDetail') {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "gotoAlbum", "options": [albumId]}, 'Album details');
if (features.featStickerAdv === true) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showStickerModal", "options": [albumId, 'mympd_album']}, 'Sticker');
for (const tag of settings.tagListBrowse) {
if (dataNode !== null &&
const value = getData(dataNode, tag);
if (value !== undefined &&
value.length > 0)
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "gotoAlbumList", "options": [tag, value]}, 'Show all albums from ' + tag);
if (features.featHome === true &&
app.id !== 'Home')
const name = dataNode !== null
? getData(dataNode, 'name')
: '';
const image = dataNode !== null
? getData(dataNode, 'imageUrl')
: '';
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "addAlbumToHome", "options": [albumId, name, image]}, 'Add to homescreen');
* Appends actions for single songs or streams to the context menu
* @param {HTMLElement} dataNode element with the album data
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu items
* @param {string} uri song or stream uri
* @param {string} type type of the element: song, stream, ...
* @param {string} name name of the element
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsSongActions(dataNode, contextMenuBody, uri, type, name) {
if (app.id !== 'QueueCurrent') {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendQueue", "options": [type, [uri]]}, 'Append to queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendPlayQueue", "options": [type, [uri]]}, 'Append to queue and play');
if (features.featWhence === true &&
currentState.currentSongId !== -1)
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "insertAfterCurrentQueue", "options": [type, [uri], 0, 1, false]}, 'Insert after current playing song');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replaceQueue", "options": [type, [uri]]}, 'Replace queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replacePlayQueue", "options": [type, [uri]]}, 'Replace queue and play');
if (features.featPlaylists === true) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showAddToPlaylist", "options": [type, [uri]]}, 'Add to playlist');
if (app.id === 'BrowsePlaylistDetail' &&
getData(dataNode.parentNode.parentNode, 'type') === 'plist')
const plist = getData(dataNode.parentNode.parentNode, 'uri');
const pos = getData(dataNode, 'pos');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showMoveToPlaylist", "options": [plist, [pos]]}, 'Move to playlist');
if (type === 'song') {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "songDetails", "options": [uri]}, 'Song details');
if (features.featStickerAdv === true) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showStickerModal", "options": [uri, type]}, 'Sticker');
if (features.featHome === true &&
app.id !== 'Home')
if (app.id === 'BrowseRadioWebradiodb') {
const image = getData(dataNode, 'image');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "addWebRadiodbToHome", "options": [uri, type, name, image]}, 'Add to homescreen');
else {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "addSongToHome", "options": [uri, type, name]}, 'Add to homescreen');
if (app.id === 'BrowseRadioWebradiodb') {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showWebradiodbDetails", "options": [uri]}, 'Webradio details');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "saveAsRadioFavorite", "options": [uri]}, 'Add to favorites');
else if (app.id === 'QueueCurrent' &&
type === 'webradio')
const webradioType = getData(dataNode, 'webradioType');
if (webradioType === 'favorite') {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showRadioFavoriteDetails", "options": [uri]}, 'Webradio details');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "editRadioFavorite", "options": [uri]}, 'Edit webradio favorite');
else {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showWebradiodbDetails", "options": [uri]}, 'Webradio details');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "saveAsRadioFavorite", "options": [uri]}, 'Add to favorites');
* Appends search actions to the context menu
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu items
* @param {string} expression search expression
* @param {string} sort sort tag
* @param {boolean} sortdesc descending?
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsSearchActions(contextMenuBody, expression, sort, sortdesc) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendQueue", "options": ["search", [expression, sort, sortdesc]]}, 'Append to queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendPlayQueue", "options": ["search", [expression, sort, sortdesc]]}, 'Append to queue and play');
if (features.featWhence === true &&
currentState.currentSongId !== -1)
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "insertAfterCurrentQueue", "options": ["search", [expression, sort, sortdesc], 0, 1, false]}, 'Insert after current playing song');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replaceQueue", "options": ["search", [expression, sort, sortdesc]]}, 'Replace queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replacePlayQueue", "options": ["search", [expression, sort, sortdesc]]}, 'Replace queue and play');
if (features.featPlaylists === true) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showAddToPlaylist", "options": ["search", [expression, sort, sortdesc]]}, 'Add to playlist');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appGoto", "options": ["Search", undefined, undefined, 0, undefined, "any", {"tag": "Title", "desc": false}, "", expression]}, 'Show search');
* Appends directory actions to the context menu
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu items
* @param {string} baseuri directory
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsDirectoryActions(contextMenuBody, baseuri) {
//songs must be arranged in one album per folder
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendQueue", "options": ["dir", [baseuri]]}, 'Append to queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendPlayQueue", "options": ["dir", [baseuri]]}, 'Append to queue and play');
if (features.featWhence === true &&
currentState.currentSongId !== -1)
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "insertAfterCurrentQueue", "options": ["dir", [baseuri], 0, 1, false]}, 'Insert after current playing song');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replaceQueue", "options": ["dir", [baseuri]]}, 'Replace queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replacePlayQueue", "options": ["dir", [baseuri]]}, 'Replace queue and play');
if (features.featPlaylists === true &&
app.id !== 'Home')
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showAddToPlaylist", "options": ["dir", [baseuri]]}, 'Add to playlist');
if (app.id === 'BrowseFilesystem') {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "updateDB", "options": [baseuri, false]}, 'Update directory');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "updateDB", "options": [baseuri, true]}, 'Rescan directory');
if (baseuri !== app.current.filter) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "gotoFilesystem", "options": [baseuri, "dir"]}, 'Open directory');
if (features.featHome === true &&
app.id !== 'Home')
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "addDirToHome", "options": [baseuri, baseuri]}, 'Add to homescreen');
* Appends actions for webradio favorites to the context menu
* @param {HTMLElement} target element with the data
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuTitle element for the menu title
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu items
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsWebradioFavoritesActions(target, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody) {
const type = getData(target, 'type');
const uri = getData(target, 'uri');
const name = getData(target, 'name');
addMenuItemsPlaylistActions(target, contextMenuBody, type, uri, name);
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showRadioFavoriteDetails", "options": [uri]}, 'Webradio details');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "editRadioFavorite", "options": [uri]}, 'Edit webradio favorite');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "deleteRadioFavorites", "options": [[name]]}, 'Delete webradio favorite');
* Appends actions for webradio favorites home icon to the context menu
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu items
* @param {string} uri webradio favorite uri
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsWebradioFavoritesHomeActions(contextMenuBody, uri) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "editRadioFavorite", "options": [uri]}, 'Edit webradio favorite');
* Appends actions for playlists to the context menu
* @param {HTMLElement | EventTarget} dataNode element with the data
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody element to append the menu items
* @param {string} type playlist type: plist, smartpls
* @param {string} uri playlist uri
* @param {string} name playlist name
* @returns {void}
function addMenuItemsPlaylistActions(dataNode, contextMenuBody, type, uri, name) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendQueue", "options": [type, [uri]]}, 'Append to queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "appendPlayQueue", "options": [type, [uri]]}, 'Append to queue and play');
if (features.featWhence === true &&
currentState.currentSongId !== -1)
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "insertAfterCurrentQueue", "options": [type, [uri], 0, 1, false]}, 'Insert after current playing song');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replaceQueue", "options": [type, [uri]]}, 'Replace queue');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "replacePlayQueue", "options": [type, [uri]]}, 'Replace queue and play');
if (features.featHome === true) {
if (app.id !== 'Home') {
if (app.id === 'BrowseRadioFavorites') {
let image = getData(dataNode, 'image');
if (isHttpUri(image) === false) {
image = basename(image, false);
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "addRadioFavoriteToHome", "options": [uri, type, name, image]}, 'Add to homescreen');
else {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "addPlistToHome", "options": [uri, type, name]}, 'Add to homescreen');
if (app.id !== 'BrowsePlaylistList') {
if (type === 'plist' ||
type === 'smartpls')
if (isMPDplaylist(uri) === true) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "gotoPlaylist", "options": [uri]}, 'View playlist');
else {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "gotoFilesystem", "options": [uri, "plist"]}, 'View playlist');
* Creates the first context menu actions for list context menus
* @param {EventTarget} target triggering element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuTitle title element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody content element
* @returns {boolean} true on success, else false
function createMenuLists(target, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody) {
const dataNode = settings['view' + app.id].mode === 'table'
? target.closest('tr')
: target;
const type = getData(dataNode, 'type');
const uri = getData(dataNode, 'uri');
const name = getData(dataNode, 'name');
contextMenuTitle.textContent = tn(typeFriendly[type]);
contextMenuTitle.classList.add('offcanvas-title-' + type);
switch(app.id) {
case 'BrowseDatabaseAlbumList':
addMenuItemsAlbumActions(dataNode, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody);
return true;
case 'BrowseFilesystem':
case 'Search':
case 'BrowseRadioWebradiodb':
case 'BrowseDatabaseAlbumDetail': {
switch(type) {
case 'song':
case 'stream':
case 'webradio':
addMenuItemsSongActions(dataNode, contextMenuBody, uri, type, name);
case 'dir':
addMenuItemsDirectoryActions(contextMenuBody, uri);
case 'plist':
case 'smartpls':
addMenuItemsPlaylistActions(dataNode, contextMenuBody, type, uri, name);
return false;
return true;
case 'BrowseRadioFavorites':
addMenuItemsWebradioFavoritesActions(dataNode, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody);
return true;
case 'BrowsePlaylistList': {
const smartplsOnly = getData(dataNode, 'smartpls-only');
if (smartplsOnly === false ||
type !== 'smartpls')
addMenuItemsPlaylistActions(dataNode, contextMenuBody, type, uri, name);
if (type === 'smartpls') {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "gotoPlaylist", "options": [uri]}, 'View playlist');
else {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "gotoPlaylist", "options": [uri]}, 'Edit playlist');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showRenamePlaylist", "options": [uri]}, 'Rename playlist');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showCopyPlaylist", "options": [[uri]]}, 'Copy playlist');
if (type === 'plist') {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "playlistValidateDedup", "options": [uri, true]}, 'Validate and deduplicate playlist');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showDelPlaylist", "options": [[uri]]}, 'Delete playlist');
if (settings.smartpls === true &&
type === 'smartpls')
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showSmartPlaylist", "options": [uri]}, 'Edit smart playlist');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "updateSmartPlaylist", "options": [uri]}, 'Update smart playlist');
if (features.featStickerAdv === true) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showStickerModal", "options": [uri, 'playlist']}, 'Sticker');
return true;
case 'BrowsePlaylistDetail': {
const table = elGetById('BrowsePlaylistDetailList');
addMenuItemsSongActions(dataNode, contextMenuBody, uri, type, name);
if (getData(table, 'ro') === false) {
const plist = getData(table, 'uri');
const pos = getData(dataNode, 'pos');
const playlistLength = getData(table, 'playlistlength');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showSetSongPos", "options": [plist, pos]}, 'Move song');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "removeFromPlaylistPositions", "options": [plist, [pos]]}, 'Remove');
if (features.featPlaylistRmRange === true) {
if (pos > 0) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "removeFromPlaylistRange", "options": [plist, 0, pos]}, 'Remove all upwards');
if (pos + 1 < playlistLength) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "removeFromPlaylistRange", "options": [plist, pos + 1, -1]}, 'Remove all downwards');
return true;
case 'QueueCurrent': {
const songid = getData(dataNode, 'songid');
const pos = getData(dataNode, 'pos');
addMenuItemsSongActions(dataNode, contextMenuBody, uri, type, name);
if (currentState.currentSongId !== -1 &&
songid !== currentState.currentSongId &&
features.featWhence === true)
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "playAfterCurrent", "options": [[songid]]}, 'Play after current playing song');
if (settings.partition.random === true) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showSetSongPriority", "options": [songid]}, 'Set priority');
else {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showSetSongPos", "options": ["queue", pos]}, 'Move song');
if (songid === currentState.currentSongId) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "removeFromQueueIDs", "options": [[songid]]}, 'Remove');
if (pos > 0) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "removeFromQueueRange", "options": [0, pos]}, 'Remove all upwards');
if (pos + 1 < currentState.queueLength) {
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "removeFromQueueRange", "options": [pos + 1, -1]}, 'Remove all downwards');
return true;
case 'QueueLastPlayed': {
addMenuItemsSongActions(dataNode, contextMenuBody, uri, type, name);
return true;
case 'QueueJukeboxSong':
case 'QueueJukeboxAlbum': {
const pos = Number(getData(dataNode, 'pos'));
if (settings.partition.jukeboxMode === 'song') {
addMenuItemsSongActions(dataNode, contextMenuBody, uri, type, name);
else if (settings.partition.jukeboxMode === 'album') {
addMenuItemsAlbumActions(dataNode, null, contextMenuBody);
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "delQueueJukeboxEntries", "options": [[pos]]}, 'Remove');
return true;
// No Default
return false;
* Creates the secondary context menu actions for list context menus
* @param {EventTarget} target triggering element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuTitle title element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody content element
* @returns {boolean} true on success, else false
function createMenuListsSecondary(target, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody) {
switch(app.id) {
case 'Search':
case 'QueueCurrent':
case 'QueueLastPlayed':
case 'QueueJukeboxSong':
case 'QueueJukeboxAlbum':
case 'BrowseFilesystem':
case 'BrowseDatabaseAlbumDetail':
case 'BrowsePlaylistDetail': {
const dataNode = settings['view' + app.id].mode === 'table'
? target.closest('tr')
: target;
const type = getData(dataNode, 'type');
const uri = getData(dataNode, 'uri');
if (isStreamUri(uri) === true ||
(app.id === 'BrowseFilesystem' && type === 'dir') ||
(app.id === 'BrowseFilesystem' && type === 'plist') ||
(app.id === 'BrowseFilesystem' && type === 'smartpls') ||
(app.id === 'QueueJukeboxAlbum'))
return false;
const albumid = getData(dataNode, 'AlbumId');
if (albumid !== undefined &&
features.featTags === true)
contextMenuTitle.textContent = tn('Album');
addMenuItemsAlbumActions(dataNode, null, contextMenuBody);
else {
contextMenuTitle.textContent = tn('Directory');
const baseuri = dirname(uri);
addMenuItemsDirectoryActions(contextMenuBody, baseuri);
return true;
// No Default
return false;
* Creates the content of the first home icon actions for the context menu
* @param {EventTarget} target triggering element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuTitle title element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody content element
* @returns {boolean} true on success, else false
function createMenuHomeIcon(target, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody) {
const pos = getData(target, 'pos');
const href = getData(target, 'href');
if (href === undefined) {
return false;
let type = '';
let actionDesc = '';
switch(href.cmd) {
case 'appGoto':
type = 'view';
actionDesc = friendlyActions[href.cmd];
case 'execScriptFromOptions':
type = 'script';
actionDesc = friendlyActions[href.cmd];
case 'openExternalLink':
type = 'externalLink';
actionDesc = friendlyActions[href.cmd];
case 'openModal':
type = 'modal';
actionDesc = friendlyActions[href.cmd];
type = href.options[0];
actionDesc = friendlyActions[href.cmd];
contextMenuTitle.textContent = tn(typeFriendly[type]);
contextMenuTitle.classList.add('offcanvas-title-' + type);
switch(type) {
case 'plist':
case 'smartpls':
addMenuItemsPlaylistActions(target, contextMenuBody, type, href.options[1][0], href.options[1][0]);
case 'webradio':
addMenuItemsPlaylistActions(target, contextMenuBody, type, href.options[1][0], href.options[1][0]);
addMenuItemsWebradioFavoritesHomeActions(contextMenuBody, href.options[1][0]);
case 'dir':
addMenuItemsDirectoryActions(contextMenuBody, href.options[1][0]);
case 'song':
case 'stream':
addMenuItemsSongActions(null, contextMenuBody, href.options[1][0], type, href.options[1][0]);
case 'search':
addMenuItemsSearchActions(contextMenuBody, href.options[1][0], href.options[1][1], href.options[1][2]);
case 'album':
addMenuItemsAlbumActions(target, null, contextMenuBody, href.options[1][0]);
case 'view':
case 'externalLink':
case 'modal':
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "executeHomeIcon", "options": [pos]}, actionDesc);
case 'script':
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "executeHomeIcon", "options": [pos]}, actionDesc);
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "showEditScriptModal", "options": [href.options[0]]}, 'Edit script');
logError('Invalid type: ' + type);
return true;
* Creates the contents of the secondary home icon actions for the context menu
* @param {EventTarget} target triggering element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuTitle title element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody content element
* @returns {boolean} true on success, else false
function createMenuHomeIconSecondary(target, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody) {
const pos = getData(target, 'pos');
contextMenuTitle.textContent = tn('Home icon');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "editHomeIcon", "options": [pos]}, 'Edit home icon');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "duplicateHomeIcon", "options": [pos]}, 'Duplicate home icon');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "deleteHomeIcon", "options": [pos]}, 'Delete home icon');
return true;
* Creates the contents of the home widget actions for the context menu
* @param {EventTarget} target triggering element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuTitle title element
* @param {HTMLElement} contextMenuBody content element
* @returns {boolean} true on success, else false
function createMenuHomeWidget(target, contextMenuTitle, contextMenuBody) {
const pos = getData(target, 'pos');
contextMenuTitle.textContent = tn('Widget');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "refreshHomeWidget", "options": [pos]}, 'Refresh widget');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "editHomeWidget", "options": [pos, true]}, 'Edit widget');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "editHomeWidget", "options": [pos, false]}, 'Duplicate widget');
addMenuItem(contextMenuBody, {"cmd": "deleteHomeIcon", "options": [pos]}, 'Delete widget');
return true;