"use strict";
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
// myMPD (c) 2018-2025 Juergen Mang <mail@jcgames.de>
// https://github.com/jcorporation/mympd
/** @module router_js */
* Shows the current view and highlights the navbar icon
* @returns {void}
function appPrepare() {
if (app.current.card !== app.last.card ||
app.current.tab !== app.last.tab ||
app.current.view !== app.last.view)
//Hide all cards + nav
for (let i = 0; i < domCache.navbarBtnsLen; i++) {
for (const card of allCards) {
//show active card
elShowId('card' + app.current.card);
//show active tab
if (app.current.tab !== undefined &&
app.current.tab !== '')
elShowId('tab' + app.current.card + app.current.tab);
//show active view
if (app.current.view !== undefined &&
app.current.view !== '')
elShowId('view' + app.current.card + app.current.tab + app.current.view);
//highlight active navbar icon
let nav = elGetById('nav' + app.current.card + app.current.tab);
if (nav) {
else {
nav = elGetById('nav' + app.current.card);
if (nav) {
elGetById('nav' + app.current.card).classList.add('active');
const list = elGetById(app.id + 'List');
if (list) {
* Calculates the location hash and calls appRoute
* @param {string} card card element name
* @param {string} [tab] tab element name
* @param {string} [view] view element name
* @param {number} [offset] list offset
* @param {number} [limit] list limit
* @param {string | object} [filter] filter
* @param {object} [sort] sort object
* @param {string} [tag] tag name
* @param {string | object} [search] search object or string
* @param {number} [newScrollPos] new scrolling position
* @param {boolean} [append] Append the result to current result
* @returns {void}
function appGoto(card, tab, view, offset, limit, filter, sort, tag, search, newScrollPos, append) {
//old app
const oldptr = app.cards[app.current.card].offset !== undefined
? app.cards[app.current.card]
: app.cards[app.current.card].tabs[app.current.tab].offset !== undefined
? app.cards[app.current.card].tabs[app.current.tab]
: app.cards[app.current.card].tabs[app.current.tab].views[app.current.view];
//get default active tab or view from state
if (app.cards[card].tabs) {
if (tab === undefined) {
tab = app.cards[card].active;
if (app.cards[card].tabs[tab].views) {
if (view === undefined) {
view = app.cards[card].tabs[tab].active;
//overwrite view for jukebox queue view
if (card === 'Queue' &&
tab === 'Jukebox')
view = settings.partition.jukeboxMode === 'album'
? 'Album'
: 'Song';
//get ptr to new app
const ptr = app.cards[card].offset !== undefined
? app.cards[card]
: app.cards[card].tabs[tab].offset !== undefined
? app.cards[card].tabs[tab]
: app.cards[card].tabs[tab].views[view];
//save scrollPos of old app
if (oldptr !== ptr) {
oldptr.scrollPos = getScrollPosY();
//set options to default, if not defined
if (offset === null || offset === undefined) { offset = ptr.offset; }
if (limit === null || limit === undefined) { limit = ptr.limit; }
if (filter === null || filter === undefined) { filter = ptr.filter; }
if (sort === null || sort === undefined) { sort = ptr.sort; }
if (tag === null || tag === undefined) { tag = ptr.tag; }
if (search === null || search === undefined) { search = ptr.search; }
//enforce number type
offset = Number(offset);
limit = Number(limit);
//set new scrollpos
if (newScrollPos !== undefined) {
ptr.scrollPos = newScrollPos;
//build hash
app.goto = true;
const newHash = myEncodeURIComponent(
"card": card,
"tab": tab,
"view": view,
"offset": offset,
"limit": limit,
"filter": filter,
"sort": sort,
"tag": tag,
"search": search
if (location.hash !== '#' + newHash) {
location.hash = newHash;
appRoute(card, tab, view, offset, limit, filter, sort, tag, search, append);
* Checks if obj is string or object
* @param {string | object} obj object to check
* @returns {boolean} true if obj is object or string, else false
function isArrayOrString(obj) {
if (typeof obj === 'string') {
return true;
return Array.isArray(obj);
* Returns the default startup view
* @returns {string} Default startup view
function defaultStartupView() {
return features.featHome === true
? 'Home'
: 'Playback';
* Checks and sets the startup view of myMPD
* @returns {Array} Startup path (card/tab/view)
function startupView() {
if (settings.webuiSettings.startupView === undefined) {
// Set default startup view
settings.webuiSettings.startupView = defaultStartupView();
else if (settings.webuiSettings.startupView === 'Home' &&
features.featHome === false)
// Home feature is disabled
settings.webuiSettings.startupView = 'Playback';
else {
// Check for valid startup view
const path = settings.webuiSettings.startupView.split('/');
try {
if ((path.length === 1 && app.cards[path[0]] === undefined) ||
(path.length === 2 && app.cards[path[0]].tabs[path[1]] === undefined) ||
(path.length === 3 && app.cards[path[0]].tabs[path[1]].views[path[2]] === undefined) ||
path.length === 0 ||
path.length > 3)
settings.webuiSettings.startupView = defaultStartupView();
catch(error) {
logError("Invalid startupview");
settings.webuiSettings.startupView = defaultStartupView();
return settings.webuiSettings.startupView.split('/');
* Executes the actions after the view is shown
* @param {string} [card] card element name
* @param {string} [tab] tab element name
* @param {string} [view] view element name
* @param {number} [offset] list offset
* @param {number} [limit] list limit
* @param {string | object} [filter] filter
* @param {object} [sort] sort object
* @param {string} [tag] tag name
* @param {string | object} [search] search object or string
* @param {boolean} [append] Append the result to current result
* @returns {void}
function appRoute(card, tab, view, offset, limit, filter, sort, tag, search, append) {
if (settingsParsed === 'false') {
if (card === undefined || card === null) {
const hash = location.hash.match(/^#(.*)$/);
let jsonHash = null;
if (hash !== null) {
try {
jsonHash = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(hash[1]));
app.current.card = isArrayOrString(jsonHash.card) ? jsonHash.card : undefined;
app.current.tab = typeof jsonHash.tab === 'string' ? jsonHash.tab : undefined;
app.current.view = typeof jsonHash.view === 'string' ? jsonHash.view : undefined;
app.current.offset = typeof jsonHash.offset === 'number' ? jsonHash.offset : '';
app.current.limit = typeof jsonHash.limit === 'number' ? jsonHash.limit : '';
app.current.filter = jsonHash.filter;
app.current.sort = jsonHash.sort;
app.current.tag = isArrayOrString(jsonHash.tag) ? jsonHash.tag : '';
app.current.search = isArrayOrString(jsonHash.search) ? jsonHash.search : '';
catch(error) {
//do nothing
if (jsonHash === null) {
const path = startupView();
// @ts-ignore
else {
app.current.card = card;
app.current.tab = tab;
app.current.view = view;
if (append === true) {
// In append mode (endless scrolling) the limit is the offset we get results for.
// This will be switch back below, after fetching the results.
app.current.offset = limit;
app.current.limit = settings.webuiSettings.maxElementsPerPage;
else {
app.current.offset = offset;
app.current.limit = limit;
app.current.filter = filter;
app.current.sort = sort;
app.current.tag = tag;
app.current.search = search;
app.id = app.current.card +
(app.current.tab === undefined ? '' : app.current.tab) +
(app.current.view === undefined ? '' : app.current.view);
//get ptr to app options and set active tab/view
let ptr;
if (app.cards[app.current.card].offset !== undefined) {
ptr = app.cards[app.current.card];
else if (app.cards[app.current.card].tabs[app.current.tab].offset !== undefined) {
ptr = app.cards[app.current.card].tabs[app.current.tab];
app.cards[app.current.card].active = app.current.tab;
else if (app.cards[app.current.card].tabs[app.current.tab].views[app.current.view].offset !== undefined) {
ptr = app.cards[app.current.card].tabs[app.current.tab].views[app.current.view];
app.cards[app.current.card].active = app.current.tab;
app.cards[app.current.card].tabs[app.current.tab].active = app.current.view;
//set app options
//ptr.offset = app.current.offset;
//ptr.limit = app.current.limit;
//get last scrolling position
app.current.scrollPos = ptr.scrollPos;
switch(app.id) {
case 'Home': handleHome(); break;
case 'Playback': handlePlayback(); break;
case 'QueueCurrent': handleQueueCurrent(); break;
case 'QueueLastPlayed': handleQueueLastPlayed(); break;
case 'QueueJukeboxSong': handleQueueJukeboxSong(); break;
case 'QueueJukeboxAlbum': handleQueueJukeboxAlbum(); break;
case 'BrowsePlaylistList': handleBrowsePlaylistList(); break;
case 'BrowsePlaylistDetail': handleBrowsePlaylistDetail(); break;
case 'BrowseFilesystem': handleBrowseFilesystem(); break;
case 'BrowseDatabaseTagList': handleBrowseDatabaseTagList(); break;
case 'BrowseDatabaseAlbumList': handleBrowseDatabaseAlbumList(); break;
case 'BrowseDatabaseAlbumDetail': handleBrowseDatabaseAlbumDetail(); break;
case 'BrowseRadioFavorites': handleBrowseRadioFavorites(); break;
case 'BrowseRadioWebradiodb': handleBrowseRadioWebradiodb(); break;
case 'Search': handleSearch(); break;
default: {
const path = startupView();
// @ts-ignore
//Save app options
if (append === true) {
app.current.offset = offset;
app.current.limit = limit;
ptr.filter = app.current.filter;
ptr.sort = app.current.sort;
ptr.tag = app.current.tag;
ptr.search = app.current.search;
ptr.offset = app.current.offset;
ptr.limit = app.current.limit;
// Set last active view
app.last.card = app.current.card;
app.last.tab = app.current.tab;
app.last.view = app.current.view;
* Emulates the browser back button
* @returns {void}
//eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function historyBack() {