"use strict";
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
// myMPD (c) 2018-2025 Juergen Mang <mail@jcgames.de>
// https://github.com/jcorporation/mympd
/** @module searchExpression_js */
//list of search tags that need no operator
/** @type {Array} */
const searchTagsNoOp = [
//list of search tags that compare against an unix timestamp
/** @type {Array} */
const searchTagsTimestamp = [
* Toggles the advanced search bar
* @param {Event} event Click event
* @returns {void}
//eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function toggleSearchExpr(event) {
const target = event.target;
if (target.nextElementSibling.classList.contains('d-none')) {
else {
* Parses search expressions and update the ui for specified appid
* @param {string} appid the application id
* @returns {void}
function handleSearchExpression(appid) {
const searchStrEl = elGetById(appid + 'SearchStr');
const searchCrumbEl = elGetById(appid + 'SearchCrumb');
createSearchCrumbs(app.current.search, searchStrEl, searchCrumbEl);
if (app.current.search === '') {
searchStrEl.value = '';
selectTag(appid + 'SearchTags', appid + 'SearchTagsDesc', app.current.filter);
* Toggles the state of the SearchMatch select, based on selected tag
* @param {string} appid the application id
* @returns {void}
function selectSearchMatch(appid) {
const searchMatchEl = elGetById(appid + 'SearchMatch');
if (searchTagsNoOp.includes(app.current.filter)) {
searchMatchEl.value = '';
else {
if (getSelectValue(searchMatchEl) === undefined) {
searchMatchEl.value = 'contains';
* Sets the placeholder string for the search expression input
* @param {string} appid the application id
* @returns {void}
function setSearchExpressionPlaceholder(appid) {
const searchMatchEl = elGetById(appid + 'SearchMatch');
const searchTagEl = elGetById(appid + 'SearchTagsDesc');
elGetById(appid + 'SearchStr').setAttribute('placeholder', tn(searchTagEl.textContent) + ' ' + tn(searchMatchEl.value));
* Removes the search timer
* @returns {void}
function clearSearchTimer() {
if (searchTimer !== null) {
searchTimer = null;
* Initializes advanced search elements for specified appid
* @param {string} appid the application id
* @returns {void}
function initSearchExpression(appid) {
elGetById(appid + 'SearchTags').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if (event.target.nodeName === 'BUTTON') {
app.current.filter = getData(event.target, 'tag');
execSearchExpression(elGetById(appid + 'SearchStr').value);
}, false);
elGetById(appid + 'SearchStr').addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
//handle Enter key on keydown for IME composing compatibility
if (event.key !== 'Enter') {
const value = event.target.value;
if (value !== '') {
const op = getSelectValueId(appid + 'SearchMatch');
const crumbEl = elGetById(appid + 'SearchCrumb');
crumbEl.appendChild(createSearchCrumb(app.current.filter, op, value));
event.target.value = '';
}, false);
// Android does not support search on type
if (userAgentData.isAndroid === false) {
elGetById(appid + 'SearchStr').addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
if (ignoreKeys(event) === true) {
const value = event.target.value;
if (searchTagsTimestamp.includes(app.current.filter) &&
isNaN(parseDateFromText(value)) === true)
// disable search on type for timestamps
searchTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, searchTimerTimeout);
}, false);
elGetById(appid + 'SearchCrumb').addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if (event.target.classList.contains('badge')) {
//remove search expression
elGetById(appid + 'SearchStr').updateBtn();
else if (event.target.classList.contains('btn')) {
//edit search expression
const searchStrEl = elGetById(appid + 'SearchStr');
searchStrEl.value = unescapeMPD(getData(event.target, 'filter-value'));
selectTag(appid + 'SearchTags', appid + 'SearchTagsDesc', getData(event.target, 'filter-tag'));
elGetById(appid + 'SearchMatch').value = getData(event.target, 'filter-op');
app.current.filter = getData(event.target,'filter-tag');
if (elGetById(appid + 'SearchCrumb').childElementCount === 0) {
elHideId(appid + 'SearchCrumb');
}, false);
elGetById(appid + 'SearchMatch').addEventListener('change', function() {
execSearchExpression(elGetById(appid + 'SearchStr').value);
}, false);
* Executes the search expression for the current displayed view
* @param {string} value search value
* @returns {void}
function execSearchExpression(value) {
const expression = createSearchExpression(elGetById(app.id + 'SearchCrumb'), app.current.filter, getSelectValueId(app.id + 'SearchMatch'), value);
appGoto(app.current.card, app.current.tab, app.current.view, 0, app.current.limit, app.current.filter, app.current.sort, app.current.tag, expression, 0);
* Parses a mpd filter expression
* @param {string} expression mpd filter
* @returns {object} parsed expression elements or null on error
function parseExpression(expression) {
if (expression.length === 0) {
return null;
let fields = expression.match(/^\((\w+)\s+(\S+)\s+'(.*)'\)$/);
if (fields !== null &&
fields.length === 4)
return {
'tag': fields[1],
'op': fields[2],
'value': unescapeMPD(fields[3])
// support expressions without operator, e.g. base
fields = expression.match(/^\(([\w-]+)\s+'(.*)'\)$/);
if (fields !== null &&
fields.length === 3)
return {
'tag': fields[1],
'op': '',
'value': unescapeMPD(fields[2])
logError('Failure parsing expression: ' + expression);
return null;
* Creates the search breadcrumbs from a mpd search expression
* @param {string} searchStr the search expression
* @param {HTMLElement} searchEl search input element
* @param {HTMLElement} crumbEl element to add the crumbs
* @returns {void}
function createSearchCrumbs(searchStr, searchEl, crumbEl) {
const elements = searchStr.substring(1, app.current.search.length - 1).split(' AND ');
//add all but last element to crumbs
for (let i = 0, j = elements.length - 1; i < j; i++) {
const fields = parseExpression(elements[i]);
if (fields !== null) {
crumbEl.appendChild(createSearchCrumb(fields.tag, fields.op, fields.value));
//check if we should add the last element to the crumbs
if (searchEl.value === '' &&
elements.length >= 1)
const fields = parseExpression(elements[elements.length - 1]);
if (fields !== null) {
crumbEl.appendChild(createSearchCrumb(fields.tag, fields.op, fields.value));
crumbEl.childElementCount > 0
? elShow(crumbEl)
: elHide(crumbEl);
* Creates a search crumb element
* @param {string} filter the tag
* @param {string} op search operator
* @param {string} value filter value
* @returns {HTMLElement} search crumb element
function createSearchCrumb(filter, op, value) {
if (op === undefined) {
op = '';
const btn = elCreateNodes('div', {"class": ["btn", "btn-dark", "me-2"]}, [
document.createTextNode(tn(filter) + ' ' + tn(op) + ' \'' + value + '\''),
elCreateText('div', {"class": ["ml-2", "badge", "bg-secondary", "clickable"]}, '×')
setData(btn, 'filter-tag', filter);
setData(btn, 'filter-op', op);
setData(btn, 'filter-value', value);
return btn;
* Creates a MPD search expression component
* @param {string} tag tag to search
* @param {string} op search operator
* @param {string} value value to search
* @returns {string} the search expression in parenthesis
function createSearchExpressionComponent(tag, op, value) {
if (op === 'starts_with' &&
app.id !== 'BrowseDatabaseList' &&
features.featStartsWith === false)
//mpd does not support starts_with, convert it to regex
if (features.featPcre === true) {
//regex is supported
op = '=~';
value = '^' + value;
else {
//best option without starts_with and regex is contains
op = 'contains';
if (searchTagsNoOp.includes(tag)) {
//this tags needs no operator
return '(' + tag + ' \'' + escapeMPD(value) + '\')';
return '(' + tag + ' ' + op + ' ' +
(op === '>='
? value
: '\'' + escapeMPD(value) + '\''
) + ')';
* Creates the MPD search expression from crumbs and parameters
* @param {HTMLElement} crumbsEl crumbs container element
* @param {string} tag tag to search
* @param {string} op search operator
* @param {string} value value to search
* @returns {string} the search expression in parenthesis
function createSearchExpression(crumbsEl, tag, op, value) {
let expression = '(';
const crumbs = crumbsEl.children;
for (let i = 0, j = crumbs.length; i < j; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
expression += ' AND ';
expression += createSearchExpressionComponent(
getData(crumbs[i], 'filter-tag'),
getData(crumbs[i], 'filter-op'),
getData(crumbs[i], 'filter-value')
if (value !== '') {
if (expression.length > 1) {
expression += ' AND ';
expression += createSearchExpressionComponent(tag, op, value);
expression += ')';
if (expression.length <= 2) {
expression = '';
return expression;
* Creates a mpd filter expression consisting of base and any tag search
* @param {string} base the base path
* @param {string} value value to search in any tag
* @returns {string} the mpd search expression
function createBaseSearchExpression(base, value) {
let expression = '(base \'' + escapeMPD(base) + '\')';
if (isEmptyTag(value) === false) {
expression += ' AND ' + createSearchExpressionComponent('any', 'contains', value);
return '(' + expression + ')';