Using bluetooth speakers with myMPDos.
The best is to attach a bluetooth dongle to the raspberry but you can also try to use the internal bluetooth chip.
Install packages
Install packages, enable it and restart.
Connect the bluetooth speakers
# Discover the speaker
bluetoothctl power on
bluetoothctl agent on
bluetoothctl default-agent
bluetoothctl scan on
# The speaker should appear
# Connect the speaker
bluetoothctl pair <address>
bluetoothctl trust <address>
bluetoothctl connect <address>
# Save the bluetooth state
lbu include /var/lib/bluetooth
lbu commit
Configure MPD
Append the following to /etc/mpd.custom.conf
audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "BT-Speaker"
device "bluealsa:DEV=<address>,PROFILE=a2dp"
mixer_type "software"
format "44100:16:2"
Restart MPD