Command line options

You can set some basic options with command line options. All these options have sane default values and should not be changed for default usage.

The workdir and cachedir options are useful if you want to run more then one instance of myMPD on the same host.

-c, --config creates config and ssl certificates and exits (default directory: /var/lib/mympd/config/)
-h, --help displays this help
-v, --version displays this help
-u, --user <username> username to drop privileges to (default: mympd). This option is ignored, if not started as root.
-s, --syslog enable syslog logging (facility: daemon)
-w, --workdir <path> working directory (default: /var/lib/mympd). This folder must exist, if not started as root.
-a, --cachedir <path> cache directory (default: /var/cache/mympd). This folder must exist, if not started as root.
-p, --pin sets a pin for myMPD settings