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myMPD integrates Lua for scripting purposes. Scripts are executed asynchronously and can not block the main thread of myMPD. There are two types of scripts.

The first type of scripts are executed by triggers, timers or manual through the web ui. The script output is printed to STDOUT and the return value is broadcasted to all connected clients in the current partition.

The second type of script are called by http requests (/script/<partition>/<script>), special triggers and home screen widgets. This scripts should return a valid http response including status code, headers and body.

Global variables

myMPD populates automatically some global variables.

myMPD uses function and variable names prefixed with mympd. You should avoid this in your naming convention.

myMPD environment

myMPD environment variables are populated in the lua table mympd_env.

cachedir_cover string myMPD cover cache directory
cachedir_thumbs string myMPD thumbs cache directory
cachedir_lyrics string myMPD lyrics cache directory
cachedir_misc string myMPD misc cache directory
partition string MPD partition
requestid number Jsonrpc request id
scriptevent string Script start event: extern, http, timer, trigger or user
scriptname string Script name
var table Subtable with user defined variables
workdir string myMPD working directory

Additionally all user defined variables are populates in this table. They are prefixed with var_.


Script arguments are populated in the lua table mympd_arguments. All arguments are of type string.

-- return the argument named playlist
return mympd_arguments["playlist"]

Arguments can be defined as simple names (text input field) or with typical html form element types.

<argument>\|text Text input field.
<argument>\|password Password input field.
<argument>\|hidden Hidden input field.
<argument>\|select;opt1;opt2;opt3 Selectbox, options are separated by semicolon.
<argument>\|checkbox Simple checkbox, returns the string true if checked.
<argument>\|radio;r1;r2;r3 Radioboxes, returns the selected option. Options are separated by semicolon.
<argument>\|list;r1;r2;r3 List of values, returns the selected values separated by ;;. Values are separated by semicolon.

myMPD state

The mympd_state global lua table is NOT populates automatically. You must call mympd.init() to populate it.

Custom myMPD lua functions

myMPD provides custom lua functions through the mympd and json lua library.

Lua manual


Here can you find some simple examples.

Complete scripts that can be imported are in the mympd-scripts repository.


-- load a playlist
mympd.api("MYMPD_API_QUEUE_REPLACE_PLAYLIST", {plist = "NonPop"})
-- start playing

With arguments

Script should be called with an argument named playlist.

-- load a playlist
mympd.api("MYMPD_API_QUEUE_REPLACE_PLAYLIST", {plist = mympd_arguments.playlist})
-- start playing
-- broadcast message to all connected myMPD clients
return("Loaded playlist: " .. mympd_arguments.playlist)

Error handling

-- get current playing song
rc, result = mympd.api("MYMPD_API_PLAYER_CURRENT_SONG", {})
if rc == 0
  return "Current song title: " .. result.Title
  return "Error message: " .. result.message

Script file format

Scripts are saved in the directory /var/lib/mympd/scripts with the extension .lua. The metadata is saved in the first line in a lua comment as json object.

-- {"name": "scriptname", "file": "category/scriptname.lua", "version": 1, "desc": "short description", "order":1,"arguments":["testarg1", "testarg2"]}
return("Arguments are: " .. mympd_arguments.testarg1 .. mympd_arguments.testarg2)


name Friendly name of the script (for importing scripts).
file Script filename in the mympd-scripts repository.
version Version number of the script.
desc A short description.
order Sort order of the script, 0 disables listing in main menu.
arguments Name of the keys for the script arguments, the gui asks for this arguments. Arguments are populated in a lua table called mympd_arguments.