
Triggers are enabled if scripts are enabled. Triggers can call scripts with arguments. Triggers starting with TRIGGER_MPD_ are triggered from the mpd idle events.

TRIGGER_MYMPD_SCROBBLE -1 Partition The song has been played for at least half of its duration, or for 4 minutes (whichever occurs earlier). Example
TRIGGER_MYMPD_START -2 Global myMPD was started, but not connected to MPD.
TRIGGER_MYMPD_STOP -3 Global myMPD is stopping.
TRIGGER_MYMPD_CONNECTED -4 Partition MPD connection is established.
TRIGGER_MYMPD_DISCONNECTED -5 Partition MPD is disconnected.
TRIGGER_MYMPD_FEEDBACK -6 Partition Love, hate or rating feedback is set by user. Script is executed with arguments uri, vote and type. Example
TRIGGER_MYMPD_SKIPPED -7 Partition Song was skipped.
TRIGGER_MYMPD_LYRICS -8 Global Triggers if MYMPD_API_LYRICS_GET has found no lyrics. Only one script is supported for this event. Script is executed with the argument uri and should return an JSONRPC response. Example
TRIGGER_MYMPD_ALBUMART -9 Global Triggers if no local albumart was found. Only one script is supported for this event. Script is executed with the argument uri and should return a raw http response. Example
TRIGGER_MYMPD_TAGART -10 Global Triggers if no local tagart was found. Only one script is supported for this event. Script is executed with arguments tag and value and should return a raw http response. Example
TRIGGER_MYMPD_JUKEBOX -11 Partition Triggers if jukebox is configured with the mode script. Only one script is supported for this event. This script must fill the jukebox queue and add songs from this queue to the MPD queue. Example
TRIGGER_MPD_DATABASE 1 Default partition Database has been modified.
TRIGGER_MPD_STORED_PLAYLIST 2 Global A playlist was added, removed or changed.
TRIGGER_MPD_QUEUE 4 Partition MPD queue has changed.
TRIGGER_MPD_PLAYER 8 Partition MPD player state has changed.
TRIGGER_MPD_MIXER 16 Partition MPD mixer state (volume) has changed.
TRIGGER_MPD_OUTPUT 32 Partition Output configuration has changed.
TRIGGER_MPD_OPTIONS 64 Partition MPD player options has changed.
TRIGGER_MPD_UPDATE 128 Default partition MPD Database update has started or finished.
TRIGGER_MPD_STICKER 256 Global MPD Sticker database has changed.
TRIGGER_MPD_SUBSCRIPTION 512 Global MPD client has subscribed or unsubscribed to a channel.
TRIGGER_MPD_MESSAGE 1024 Global A message was received on a channel this client is subscribed to. Only one script is supported for this event.
TRIGGER_MPD_PARTITION 2048 Default partition Partition was added or removed.