Recommended MPD configuration
myMPD needs the following mpd settings for all features. If a feature is not enabled in mpd, myMPD disables the associated features.
# Enable stickers - myMPD uses stickers for play statistics
sticker_file "/var/lib/mpd/sticker.sql"
# Enable stored playlists, also needed for myMPD smart playlists
playlist_directory "/var/lib/mpd/playlists"
# Enable metadata. If set to none, you can only browse the filesystem
metadata_to_use "AlbumArtist,Artist,Album,Title,Track,Disc,Genre,Name,Date"
# Enable also the musicbrainz_* tags if you want integration with MusicBrainz and ListenBrainz
# musicbrainz_albumid is the fallback for musicbrainz_releasegroupid (MPD 0.24)
#metadata_to_use "AlbumArtist,Artist,Album,Title,Track,Disc,Genre,Name,musicbrainz_artistid, musicbrainz_albumid, musicbrainz_albumartistid, musicbrainz_trackid, musicbrainz_releasetrackid"
# bind mpd to a unix socket
# Only socket connection to mpd enables some myMPD auto configuration features
bind_to_address "/run/mpd/socket"
# Mounting is only possible with the simple database plugin and a cache_directory
database {
plugin "simple"
path "/var/lib/mpd/tag_cache"
cache_directory "/var/lib/mpd/cache"
# Enable neighbor plugins
neighbors {
plugin "udisks"
neighbors {
plugin "upnp"
# Output for http stream - myMPD local playback
audio_output {
type "httpd"
name "HTTP Stream"
encoder "lame" #to support safari on ios
port "8000"
bitrate "128"
format "44100:16:1"
always_on "yes"
tags "yes"