Customize MPD

The MPD configuration is created by the script /usr/bin/ This script is executes as soon an audio device was changed (executed by mdev).

Fully custom mpd.conf

If the scripts finds a /etc/mympdos/custom/mpd.conf then this file is used as mpd configuration file and no further customization appears.

Using the default template

The script uses the template in /etc/mympdos/templates/mympdos-mpd-(stable|master).conf.tmpl and reads configuration values from /etc/mympdos/mympdos.conf.

It processes the template and adds detected soundcards to the mpd configuration.

You can use the /etc/mympdos/custom/mpd.replace file to customize any existing line of the template MPD configuration. The syntax is described in the file directly.

The default template includes the /etc/mpd.custom.conf in the MPD configuration. Use this file for additions.