Power on and off with GPIO

myMPDos can be configured to shutdown the Raspberry Pi safely with a press of a button.


# Add the package mygpiod

apk add mygpiod

# Configure GPIO 3 (SCL)

cat > /etc/mygpiod.d/3.in << EOL
event_request = falling
bias = pull-up
debounce = 1000
action_falling = system:/etc/mygpiod.scripts/shutdown.sh

# Add a script for shutdown

mkdir /etc/mygpiod.scripts
cat > /etc/mygpiod.scripts/shutdown.sh << EOL
doas /usr/bin/saveshutdown.sh
chmod +x /etc/mygpiod.scripts/shutdown.sh

# Configure doas

echo "permit nopass mygpiod cmd /usr/bin/saveshutdown.sh" >> /etc/doas.d/mygpiod.conf

# Enable and start the mygpiod service

rc-update add mygpiod
service mygpiod start

How it works

Power on

The WAKE_ON_GPIO powers on the the Raspberry Pi if you shorten pin 5 (GPIO 3 SCL) to ground.

Power off

The myGPIOd daemon listens on pin 5 (GPIO 3 SCL) and calls /etc/mygpiod.scripts/shutdown.sh.
