Webserver uris

Reference of all webserver uris.

/ Document root /var/lib/mympd/empty in release, <src tree>/htdocs for debug
/albumart/<albumid> Returns the albumart for simple album mode.
/albumart-thumb/<albumid> Returns the albumart thumbnail for simple album mode
/albumart?offset=<nr>&uri=<songuri> Returns the albumart, offset should be 0 and is only relevant to retrieve more than the first embedded image.
/albumart-thumb?offset=<nr>&uri=<songuri> Returns the albumart thumbnail, offset should be 0
/api/<partition> jsonrpc api endpoint
/script-api/<partition> jsonrpc api endpoint for mympd-script
/serverinfo Returns the ip address of myMPD
/browse/ Prints the list of published directories
/ca.crt Returns the myMPD CA certificate
/proxy?uri=<uri> Fetches the response from the uri (GET), allowed hosts: jcorporation.github.io, musicbrainz.org, listenbrainz.org
/stream/<partition> Reverse proxy for mpd http stream
/tagart?uri=<tagname>/<tagvalue> Returns the tagart
/ws/<partition> Websocket endpoint